Sunday, February 19, 2012

put-put golfing

For a while Ryan and I had been wanting to take Brooks miniature golfing. We went for Ryan's Birthday and it was such a great time! Brooklynn didn't understand the object of the game at first, she was more focused on chasing the balls and telling us who's turn was next. After about 8 or 9 holes she started to get the hang of it and was really trying to put the ball into the hole. She also loved all the little houses and waterfalls through out the 18 hole course. We also saw people on roller coasters (which Brooks was fascinated watching). She really had a blast playing all the games with her Daddy in the arcade. Gracynn came along also but spent the entire time sleeping away very cozy in her stroller. With that said, we will definitely be going again when Gracy is a bit bigger so she can enjoy the fun too!