Saturday, February 4, 2012

Gracynn Tara Bove 1st photo shoot.

Can't believe this little baby is already 3 months old. Time goes by so fast. When I was pregnant with Brooklynn people would always tell me to enjoy your kids while they are young. I didn't realize that it was because time just flys! One day their tiny little babies and the next their walking, using the potty and telling you what they want to be when their "grown-ups". I have already made Brooklynn promise that when she is a "grown-up" she will still sit on my lap and let me snuggle with her. She promised.....and Ryan is my witness! With these two beautiful little girls of mine growing so fast I'm just cherishing each and every second with them. Here are a few pictures from Gracynn's first photo shoot. Enjoy!
I apologize for the Sears logo being all over the pictures. I couldnt remove it...bummer!