I continue to say this but I just cant believe how big Gracy is getting and how fast time flies! I remember Brooklynn being her size like it was yesterday. Now I have a (almost) 4 year old and a 9 month old! Crazy! Anyways, this month Gracynn did some big things! She claps her hands and can wave bye! She is also saying "dada" "mama" and "hii"(not sure if its a squeal or not but it sounds like "hiii" to me so ill take it!) She started saying "dadadada" first. Ryan was thrilled! He had the biggest smile on his face and was so proud! She did it the first time while he was at work so luckily I captured it on camera! She is still scooting around the house on her belly and seems content with that. She has her own way of getting around!