Tuesday, April 3, 2012

playing in the yard!

The heat is coming (ahhhhh! help!) I'm not looking forward to the sun beating down on me, the thick hard to breath air and the sweat. Yuck. So in the mean time we are trying to spend as much time outside in this perfect weather before its gone! Brooks is quite the little athlete. She likes soccer, baseball and basketball. I do think her love for sports has to do with the fact that she watches every single hockey, football, basketball and baseball game on TV with Ryan. If you ask her what team is playing on TV she knows who it is. Ryan is very proud! They spend hours out back shooting hoops, kicking the ball around the yard and chasing each other. They are like two pea's in a pod. Lately she has been saying "Daddy, we are pals" Her favorite is pitching the ball to him. She likes when Ryan is up to bat because he hits the ball as hard as he can and it goes flying, sometimes even over the roof. Gracy sits very content in her bumbo and watches them. She kicks her little feet so fast when she gets excited. Before we know it she will be running around the yard with them! Here are some cute pictures I took of my kiddos. (Ryan is a kiddo himself...he is like a giant kid)

This is probably my favorite picture. Ryan is stuck and tiny little Gracynn in the back lol