Saturday, April 28, 2012

sushi the sish

I'd like you all to meet the newest member of our family, Sushi. Sushi is a blue and red beta fish. I like him. He is quiet, doesn't shed, and isn't expensive(my kind of pet!) He got his name because Brooklynn calls fish "sish" She was calling him "sishy" therefore he got his name Sushi the sish. I had no idea this new little friend would be joining our family. Ryan went to Walmart for a few things and of course Brooklynn had to go(she wants to go everywhere her daddy goes). So off they went. Ryan said while at the store they went to look at the fish. From there I know what happened without needing to ask. Brooklynn LOVED the fish, looked up at Ryan with her big blue eyes, cute little face, big smile, and then with that sweet little voice asked him if she could bring one home. Ryan melted(like always). Now we have a fish. But like I said....I like him :]
we are going to get him a real fish home, so I can have my glass bowl back!

Friday, April 27, 2012

reading time with daddy.

There is nothing cuter to me then a daddy with his little girl, especially this daddy and this little girl. These two are buds. Brooklynn always says "Dad, we are pals" And that they are, definitely pals. I just adore these pictures of them reading together. (I tried to lay Gracy with them to read also but she just rolls away)

I love how their laying in a giant heap of toys. Yes, they made that mess together.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

brooklynn says.....

9:30 laying in on the couch together after watching The Lion King

Brooklynn: "Im Simba, Gracy is Nala, Daddy is Mufassa and your Strawberry"
Me: "Strawberry?"(laughing)
Brooklynn: "Nooooo...Whats your name?"
Me: "Serabi"
Brooklynn: "Ohh yeaaa! Your Ser-Bobby!!!"

I was doing my make-up and heard this convo between Brooks and Ry

Brooklynn: "Dad whats that on your pants?"
Ryan: "Its paint."
Brooklynn: "Paint?"
Ryan: "Yea I painted at work today."
Brooklynn: "Wow! Did you paint a rainbow?????"

Driving in the car
Brooklynn: "Mom! Look at that bird!"
Me: "Yup, I see it."
Brooklynn: "Does it have a mommy, a daddy and a Gracy?"
Me: "Yes, probably so"
Brooklynn: "Oh, that's good!"

In the bath tub
Brooklynn: "ahhhhh! Mom! A bug! Its going to eat me!"
Me: "What!? Where?"
Brooklynn: "Right there!"
Me: "That's not a bug, its a fuzz"
Brooklynn: "A fuzz??"
Me: "Yup."
Brooklynn: "Oh good, that was scary"

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

cute sisters!

I was watching these two cute sisters playing together. Brooklynn was showing Gracynn each one of her stuffed toys and its name. Then Brooklynn started making this super silly noise and Gracynn was laughing hysterically! It brings me so much joy watching them interact :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

busy girl!

Gracynn is now rolling over! She rolls from her back to her belly over and over and scoots herself all over the floor. She was playing so hard the other night, rolling away and playing with her toys under her jungle gym. I like her to stay on the rug and not roll onto the tile so I'm constantly scooting her back onto her blankey. Then the sweet little thing fell asleep right on the floor. She is so dang cute. All that rolling and playing wore her right out. What a cutie :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Day

Easter Day was so fun! The day started out with Brooklynn running into the family room at the crack of dawn to find her basket. When she saw her basket and that the Easter bunny did indeed come, she raced into mine and Ryan's room shouting "THE EASTER BUNNY CAME, WAKE UP!" She grabbed her basket and said "WOW!". So funny. She was pumped. She began looking through all the fun things she got. Gracynn was so cute with her basket. She very seriously and carefully looked at each one of her little items. She loves wearing her bunny ears and liked pulling all the grass out of the basket(I will be picking up those grass pieces off the floor for the rest of the year) but that's okay! You only celebrate your 1st Easter once! After the kiddos checked out all their goodies we got cleaned up and headed to Ryan's Aunt Sharon's house. The whole family was there and it was a really nice time. The kids went on an egg hunt at the park and flew kites. Brooklynn had so much fun, she didn't want to leave. We are so lucky to have such wonderful families to celebrate the holidays with! Happy Easter to all!

thats her "stop taking pictures now mom" face

my girls Easter morning :)

Grandma Delinda and Gracynn!

Uncle Mike being a party pooper.

Brooks and Tristan

baby cousins!


Easter Eve.

On Saturday night we all went to my Grandma's house for Easter dinner. It was so yummy! I love Easter food and my grandma always sets the most beautiful table which makes it even more wonderful. Brooklynn had a blast! She got tons of new stuff from Granny and Papa, Aunt Tara and GG. Gracynn had fun too, she also got some goodies and enjoyed looking at all her new things. It was a really great evening. Its always nice when all of us are together!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

playing in the yard!

The heat is coming (ahhhhh! help!) I'm not looking forward to the sun beating down on me, the thick hard to breath air and the sweat. Yuck. So in the mean time we are trying to spend as much time outside in this perfect weather before its gone! Brooks is quite the little athlete. She likes soccer, baseball and basketball. I do think her love for sports has to do with the fact that she watches every single hockey, football, basketball and baseball game on TV with Ryan. If you ask her what team is playing on TV she knows who it is. Ryan is very proud! They spend hours out back shooting hoops, kicking the ball around the yard and chasing each other. They are like two pea's in a pod. Lately she has been saying "Daddy, we are pals" Her favorite is pitching the ball to him. She likes when Ryan is up to bat because he hits the ball as hard as he can and it goes flying, sometimes even over the roof. Gracy sits very content in her bumbo and watches them. She kicks her little feet so fast when she gets excited. Before we know it she will be running around the yard with them! Here are some cute pictures I took of my kiddos. (Ryan is a kiddo himself...he is like a giant kid)

This is probably my favorite picture. Ryan is stuck and tiny little Gracynn in the back lol