Saturday, March 10, 2012

the coffee shirt.

My mom as everybody in the entire world knows is pretty much obsessed with Starbucks. My sister and I as well love it, but not like my mom. She goes everyday and even has a "usual". She bought this shirt for Gracynn and I think its so adorable. For those of you reading her shirt thinking that must be a joke, there is no way that's a real drink. I am here to tell you that it is. I worked at Starbucks for a few years and a 1/3 decaf, triple grande, sugar-free vanilla, 1% milk, no foam, extra hot, light whip latte with a light dusting of cinnamon is in fact a real drink. People come up with anything. Try making that while your the only person working and have a line out the door of very impatient people trying to get to work on time at 5:00am in the morning. Fun stuff!  All I have to say is I'm very happy being a stay at home mom!